Tuesday 20 September 2011



Reading this, I’m sure a lot of people will think me crazy. Oh what the heck, I think ‘me’ crazy. But come to think of it, who isn’t? We are all crazy. Those moments of pure madness where we decide to burst out and do simply outrageous things to others and ourselves. I just felt a need to put down a simply disturbing thought that has been plaguing my mind. This is a very controversial, not straight to the point note, filled with annoying analogies and stupid references, I do not understand it myself but I just decided to put down my scattered thought on paper and post... For all my gay, lesbian and straight friends out there; forgive me for this haphazardly crazy write up or maybe not. Hmmm ... an interestingly controversial topic, it has its benefits but just like having ‘the seven year hitch’ with a heterosexual partner, you also have the ‘gay hitch’. It is not every day that one gets to be in tune with the ‘gay’ world. Not trying to cast aspersions I have seen that from this sect, there always seem to be an underlying tension that surrounds them. I have over the years experienced both sides of the coin being a victim myself, and I can say with all confidence that I have noticed overtime that the level of selflessness is more highly rated in a heterosexual relationship. I have not yet understood the reason behind this rationale, but from my standpoint I have been made to realise that more of the gay people out there always have this constant need for reassurance and because of this, it has developed into a cycle of ‘winner takes all’. To my knowledge, it seems to me that it stems from the un-acceptance of their lifestyle from most of the world. The fact that they are not allowed the things that the normal sexual orientation are entitled to. I do not totally support the fact that a man is allowed to have a man; or a woman making love to a woman, but the fact is most of us in all honesty; have sacredly disillusioned the whole idea of having a relationship in the first place. Most gay people want what straight people want, which is intimacy and truthfulness in a relationship. The fact that some of them have seen the institution of marriage as fraudulent is another reason they decided to be gay in the first place thinking that I can have a partner and not be saddled with the thought of marriage. Some even support the ban on gay rights to be married so that they can just remain the way they are; anonymous but still enjoying intimacy. The rationale I had when I chose to become lesbian at some point in my life was the fact that it was far better than the normal how-be-it-pretense-filled relationship of our day and time. I didn’t understand then why everyone had to be in a relationship that someone lied or cheated or worse. So I decided I’d rather be a ‘possessive-bitchy-lesbian’ than a normal heterosexual female waiting to be devoured by the next lying cheating man that came along. That was then, now I have a new thinking. Like it’s said in the Bible ‘old things passed away’, I became new. But still in the new process, I found out that I don’t entirely blame these groups. I mean it may be essentially wrong but let’s look at it, a lie’s a lie’s a lie. May not make sense but the truth is the same way that people lie, people kill. I mean look at it the same God that wanted to burn down Sodom and Gomorrah for their homosexual practices is the same God who allowed Israel (his special people) to be captured for worshipping other gods, and in turn having unholy relationships with their women. There is no division to all these, it all comes down to what the body wants from you. To lie, steal, to have a relationship with a girl or a man, to fornicate. Oh well! Who can blame them, no one can. I found it completely hideous that people judge these people for being the way they are, when it’s a completely personal decision. I mean, look at it, the fact that they hold back from exposing themselves to friends and family is enough torture for them, and so why put them in more misery by pointing fingers. It is still a shock to most parents who raised their kids to be godly to accept them when they say ‘hey ma, I’m gay’. Well, you can hear pins drop in the silence that ensures. I was watching the movie ‘wedding dates’ where it was a classic case of brother is gay but I don’t accept him that way, and I am not but I sleep with my fiancée before marriage. Seriously, what’s the difference? You judge them, they judge you. There is a reason why judging doesn’t correspond with God because acceptance always leads to forgiveness then change, but without it, there is only guilt, rebellion and more guilt. It’s the gay hitch y’all, let them be, give them space, it’s them with their Creator not you as their Creator. I am not God’s mouthpiece but I think if God were to decide punishments, the people who judged would be whooped more than any other sinner ever. It is just the law of Karma, and I remember pondering on the thought of my senior pastor in church when he spoke on ‘SEX’ in church; he said and I paraphrase “For those of you who condemn people that live sinful lives or have same sex partners, be warned that soon the sin would be on your doorstep”. Not that he accepted it as a way of life or agreed to the fact that they are born that way (which by the way makes absolutely no sense to me); but he just pointed out to the fact that judging never paid off.
I believe as opposed to the notion of being born the way you are, I think you choose to the live the way you do. You are born either a male or female but anything after that is based on the decisions or choices that you or your parents made before you could make decisions on your own. Gay or straight no judgment here, just that you have to choose your paths wisely and examine your decisions from time to time; and for the gays that can’t do without being possessive, ease up a little, your partner is all yours, no need to get your pants up in a twist. I think my not so coherent thoughts come to an end here.

lots of luv, 


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