Saturday 15 October 2011


From the mundane, heathen and spiritual is a distinct cry for mercy, a plea from the heart. An insidious request blossoming from the mind, having the tendency to be both destructive and life generating, first a thought of peace and then disaster; the hopeless, harmless expression of oneself without any iota of doubt that you are living for something extra-ordinary.
Teach me to pray is about obsession of one for another, like a dagger to the heart comes this questionable regret. It is about transcending from normal to paranormal then to the insaneous sanity depicting your knowledgeable foolishness and thoughtful mindlessness.

We never thought for once that our genuine affection for another could lead to an obscene destruction of our mind, and our person; never knowing we could transcend our emotions to the point where living without another becomes the very dread our soul faces. Being able to be dependent on our own self, we prided ourselves in the dispensability of others, we never gave a thought to the mind numbing, gut wrenching paralysis that came from losing another.

The willingness to give your life for another in the hope that you would never be disappointed, so you give them your own life just to be able to drink from their own elixir, you start to survive on their survival. A shadow of your own life force you have become, and the blizzard of emotions that surround you is something you cannot relate with.
The indecent trust you place on them giving your life in exchange just to see that they wake up with breath without a thought for your existence. You start to borrow your life, just so that you can be able to live it; you sold your elixir of life for cheap pittance.

Suddenly, your world turns upside down, you see your dreamy life become a series of nightmare, you cry out the plea and the question for mercy just like you were taught in prayer. You grovel, you plead, and you despair. Your prayer of adoration becomes a string of penitence, petition and intercession; where there should have been thanksgiving for your selflessness and generosity.

Praying your prayer should be answered, you offer up your body for the redemption of your fallen spirit, ‘take me’ you say, being lifeless and formless, you lay hurdled in a spot gasping for the breath that no longer tangos with your heart… the scales finally fall from your eyes, you had given your soul to another mortal, whose only pride and joy existed in the annihilation of your life from your body.

Your spirit is weak and caves in, giving room for the demons that threatened to possess you. You have nothing left to give again, you grope in the darkness looking for the key to the peace you once felt, the joy that exuded from your heart, and the infrastructure of reassurance that existed for you back then.You shouldn’t have given in to the urge of falling on your knees to ask, yielding your body as the ultimate sacrifice.
You have been turned into a protective mess, one kept rubbish, and a decent waste whilst another bask in the gratification of what has become of you. 

With one last push you bury the inner turmoil, struggling to let your voice be heard, you scream silently “Teach me to pray”, you fall flat, weak but then you smile knowing that a slow release has

 come, healing for your malady, medicine for your obsession; the supernatural heard your cry and you know within yourself that your prayers have been answered. 

by Tinuola Idowu

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