Friday 30 December 2011

A lovely 2011! Looking forward to an amazing 2012

I remember sitting in church on the eve of the start of the year 2011 and praying to God to make the new year a memorable one , with all my wishes met!  Although the new year did not quite deliver all the gifts and wishes i wanted , but it did turn out to be better than i ever thought or would have ever imagined.

My graduation, My sister's wedding , Mr Ideal Nigeria 2011 , Miss Omolewa 2011, Ultimate fitness magazine , Clicloc watch , Ebuka's wedding.... all made my 2011 a memorable year!

Who would have ever thought, a small pageant i started in Akure the previous year would turn out to be a big event in the year 2011 , and to add the cherry to the cake , i now get to select Nigeria's representative to the Mister Earth worldwide , Mr Tourism International , and Mr United Nations. God had used that pageant to open alot of doors for me and i have met people i never thought i would get the opportunity to talk to in my entire life!

I have always love magazines , and i always dreamed of having my own magazine! But i thought it would only remain a dream. Where the heck was i meant to get money , or staff or the strength to publish a magazine. I remember telling my friend Charles months ago that i would own my own magazine after the next Mr Ideal Nigeria , but all that was swept away under the carpet when life strains abound. God steeped in and sent a friend , a brother and my very own angel Nonso , and together we combined strengths to publish the Ultimate fitness magazine.

And then the clicloc watch deal came , wanting to come to Africa , and God lined me up and i met the CEO of the clicloc london brand , and now i get to expand and stick with my fitness and fashion brand.

I graduated with a masters in marketing Management from one of the UK's top universities , University of Southampton, while growing up even though i always wished to study abroad , and knew there was a probability i would at some point , i never imagined i would get a degree from a Russell league University.  this just shows God is faithful to the end!

And just when i thought i had used up all my energy  and could not host another Miss Omolewa pageant , God carried me on his wings and the Miss Omolewa Nigeria 2011 pageant was the best i have ever produced!

2011 is a year i learnt to trust God like never before, and he did carry me on his wings. He made a way were i thought there was none , sent me angels in form of Oke Mutay , Dexterity Favour , Dayo, Nonso, Jibola , Rawlings, Tinu Idowu , Hugo, Lucy , Elyon , Sola Akingba, and Santiago. God has blessed with me with true friends who have stood by me and believed in me even when they probably do not even understand what i am doing, Jade Austin , Sanmi Apara , Lawal Hillcrest , Tunde Rufus , Ngozi Otti and

Even though times might be harsh , and i am still miles away from were i want to be, i am really looking forward to the year 2012, and i have never been so excited about entering a new year as i am about 2012
I am excited about many things! the Mr Ideal Nigeria , Miss Omolewa projects , clicloc , UFM but much more  about how far God will take me this year! and i am ready to learn another life changing lesson. One thing is sure , no matter what comes , Nothing will separate me from the love of God! He is my peace.

Saturday 19 November 2011



You really won’t like to sleep around. Would you? You’re not accepting dates with other guys but why? You’re seeing just one guy, almost every time. But, that doesn’t necessarily mean you’re ready for something serious (really shaking….O MY GOD GAHSSS)! There is a difference between dating someone and completely melding your life with his. And when a man is thinking about marriage, or moving in together, or just making decisions with your relationship in mind, there are a few signs that tell him you’re not. Be careful ladies.
  • You sleep at home
Everyone needs few nights alone every week. But, you become stressed at the idea of not being in your own home where you can have your own items, your own space and your own routine right there, that tells him you’re not ready to make adjustments to allow another person into your life. The question is, does it count? Hell yea it does!
  • Most of your friends are single
Or lets say you have couple friends, but you rarely hang out with them. That tells him you don’t identify with “coupledom.” You don’t want to hear about the things couple do together. But if you’re in your own relationship, and you don’t want to hear about the relationships of others, it says to your man that subconsciously you see yourself as being single.
  • He can’t get your attention
He can’t keep your attention for an entire night without you pinging on your BB or phone call from friends. Each romantic, intimate date he plans for the two of you always end up on a boring state of mind.
  • You don’t share your feelings with him
You don’t go into much detail about stress at work, or changes in your family. You don’t share your emotions, how you feel about him and what makes him special. Share your feelings and be with him whenever you are chanced but without all these, you don’t want to let him support you by taking on those feelings with you.
Be careful ladies and learn to trust your Man!

Wednesday 16 November 2011


Ayotunde Ajioboye ,Mr Ideal Nigeria 2011

Tinuade, Miss Omolewa 2009 

Gbamila Oluwo , Miss Biossa 2007 

Moyin Mese, Miss Omolewa Ondo 2010

John , Mr River Nigeria 2010 

Uto Uforo, 

Miss PFI 

Monday 14 November 2011

Segun Oyeyemi , Duke of Nigeria 2007 to host Miss Omolewa NIgeria pageant

He was winner of the maiden edition of the Duke of Nigeria 2007  and since then Segun Oyeyemi has been launched into stardom. He is to host the 3rd edition of the Miss Omolewa Nigeria with Joan 
Omoighe of Osengwa. 

Joan is the CEO of Osengwa Productions , a PR specialist and also head of the charity arm of the Miss Omolewa pageant.


Friday 4 November 2011


FREE AT LAST! Baba Suwe Released from NDLEA Custody

Yes o, people, it has happened! As predicted by yours truly in the early hours of Friday (November 4, 2011) that Baba Suwe will be dancing to 'Ginga Your Swagger' tracks in his home before the end of today, the National Drug Law Enforcement Agency, NDLEA, has released Baba Suwe as ordered by the court.

The comic actor walked out of NDLEA's custody a free man after the...
agency failed to extract any Cocaine from his stomach after the expiration of the fifteen days granted by the court.

The case of Baba Suwe versus the NDLEA will remain one of the most embarrassing high profile case for the Agency as it failed to do a thorough job before arresting someone wish such a massive fan base after 3 weeks of detention and series of public gaffes.

NDLEA spokesperson , Mitchel Ofoyeju, confirmed Baba Suwe's release, adding that they did not find any narcotics in Baba Suwe's body as at the time of his release.

This marked the "grand finale" of the super drama that began on the evening of Wednesday October 12, 2011, between Baba Suwe and the NDLEA... O boy check out Baba Jayejaye dancing to 'Ginga Your Swagger'... Final scores Baba Suwe 15 - NDLEA 0. Congratulations to you, Suwe Father!

from olu famous blog 

lots of love 


You can’t put the Old in the New

 Everyone wants their lives to be like the movies, but no one ever thinks about what happens after; when the music finally stops playing. The harsh reality setting in, invading our emotions and our daydreams, making us wish for something we may never have. Common look at it, fairytales, the make believe world of make believe. Well... who knows what the ‘glass half-empty’ would look like that’s why we always want the glass half-full to give us hope that everything can be better and our own big dreams would come true.
This is the world of reality people, a world where the car honks angrily at you just ‘cause it missed you by a heartbeat. A life where misery exists without seeing the big dream ahead, a life where a guy/girl walks off without even wishing they had you back. The real world people; that’s what it’s called not a world of fairies, unicorns, centaurs or mermaids; the list is endless.
My mind moves in gazillion directions trying to find the connection to it all, the woe, the heartache, and the mystery behind the misery. It is so hard to even come to terms with the possibilities that exist within these occurrences and trying to decipher the unique code that seeks to bind them all together.
The unholy matrimony between catastrophe and disorganization making it impossible to swallow; what happens when the abstract becomes the major determinant of your life, the beginning of the ending, the dark to the light, shades of grey in black and white. Suddenly all that used to be clear blue skies become a disharmony of dark clouds clashing with the thunder, and the lightning that follows just after it; the colours of the rainbow becoming a perfect misfit, blue meshing with the violet to form a deeper indistinctive colour that leaves only room for doubt of better days to come.
This makes you feel like you’ve lost everything, and everything you ever believed in has been taken away from you to be replaced by this ugly monster in your head that tells you that things will never get better and you have to let it because at that junction, you are so consumed with melancholy that you cannot think of anything positive.
What do you do when the pledge of forever has been taken out of the emotional equation to leave you with an imbalanced answer that makes the teacher of life mark you wrong at all turn? What happens when the catalyst whose usefulness to speed up the chemical reaction ends up damaging the whole compound? How do you cope with the intensifying pain that comes with being objectified just because of the way you feel?  You become a recluse whose only mind is invaded by self-pity and self-loathe, the unworthiness of belonging to a world where everyone else is worthy and you are the only sorry excuse of a being who managed to be just put on earth as an object of mockery by the Creator.
All these come from the guilt that you have borne on behalf of another who has indiscriminately hurt you without a thought to your mental state of mind.
What do you do when you find that the person you’ve trusted all your life cheats on you with another, when all you’ve been concerned about was their safety? Usually, it’s not so hard to promise yourself and swear to God that you will never associate yourself with that individual again; but then, that’s all you can think about even after the Divorce, separation, the parting of ways or whatever. It is not an easy period for anyone involved in this can of infidelity. You can’t just pretend that they are non existence because at that point everyone knows; and it seems like wherever you go, or whatever you do, there is that constant reminder of what that being also meant to you.
Some promise unforgiveness, others never to trust again but all you are really achieving is increasing the capacity to get hurt even deeper. You can’t go on living your life like seeing another day is the worst thing that can happen to you.
In my opinion, I am with the school of thought that a break at that time is like a breath of fresh air; it helps to clear your system and it gives that distinct sense of freedom that you almost, probably, maybe lacked right from the beginning. Not just the physical break but emotionally as well from everything that you ever attached to the other in the first place.
Then you let go of all the hurt, hatred, unforgiveness not just because you have to but for yourself to help start a fresh course in life. You might not get back together but eventually you will learn that those mistakes help shape who you are going ahead to be. It’ll be your decision eventually if you’d let them back into your life or if you are better off without them; but without this healing, you will find it hard to let other great individuals who have the capacity to change your life for the better into your life and even when you do, 20 years down the line it will have the potential to harm you and the others you’ve moved on with.
Therefore, you have to re-direct all the negative energy and put into something you know will yield positivity. Just let go and let God.
To be continued... 

Tuesday 1 November 2011

LIVE PICTURES: Comedian Baba Suwe Appears in Court

Baba Suwe (real name Babatunde Omidina), who has failed to drop any "expensive shit" thus far, was all smiling as his arrived the court premises this morning (November 1, 2011) where a team of senior lawyers assembled to argue for and against the enforcement of his "fundamental human rights" and release from the custody of the NDLEA. 

See more live pictures of the comic actor when you continue...
Some of his colleagues in solidarity to the court
 Picture credit: Sahara Reporters.

Saturday 29 October 2011

Mr Nigeria 2011

Introducing Mr Nigeria 2011: Deji Bakare

Multi media specialist, Deji Bakare, beat 17 other contestants to win the Mr Nigeria 2011 contest, which took place tonight at Silverbird Galeria, Lagos. Official pictures from the contest coming soon...

Thursday 27 October 2011

Finally, Baba Suwe Excretes 16 Pellets Of Cocaine, Cries like baby

The arrest of Nollywood comic actor, Babatunde Omidina over hard drug is the latest gist in town at the moment. The widower who was arrested on his way to Paris a fortnight ago, we scooped, has excreted over 16 pellets of cocaine last night. A source in the anti-drug agency said that the controversial drug peddler cum Yoruba actor has already excreted some of the drugs he ingested while a large quantity is still lodged in his abdomen. Another reliable source said the suspect has been given a cup of tea to drink that will enable him excrete the remaining drugs while he has been placed on observation. If you recall, this same offence was committed by Baba Suwe about two years now but he had his way out of the situation and called it 'mere rumour' but it's so obvious now that what he tagged as rumour then is now a reality. Baba Suwe, we learnt, has been crying like a baby and pleading for forgiveness but all his pleas are to no avail. While serious investigation is going on to know how he came about it, some top marketers are alleged to be busy inducing officials of NDLEA with huge bribe to get him out of the dragnet. We gathered. We shall keep you posted as event unfolds.

Tuesday 25 October 2011


In the last two decades , male pageants have evolved and have received alot of attention in the world. With the advent of various male pageant, the most popular ones being Mister World , Mister International, Manhunt International , Mister Earth and Mister Universe model, there has been the birth of male pageants in Africa , especially in South Africa, Angola and Tanzania as these countries bid to send representatives to these pageants. Other male pageants in the world not as popular as those above are Mister Globe , Mister Tourism International , Mister Tourism Planet , Mr Tourism World , Mr Tourism Quest , Top Model of colour , Mr United Nations, and Miser Handsome world. In 2007 , Nigeria saw its first Male pageant hosted by Silver Bird Entertainment, Mr Nigeria 2007. 
Bryan Okwara , Mr Nigeria 2007. 

The Mr Nigeria pageant selects Nigeria’s representative to the Mister World pageant and the maiden edition of the pageant was won by Bryan Okwara. This action by Silver birth saw the birth of other male pageants in the country which have differentiated themselves in their objectives and affiliated themselves with other male pageants. The ‘big three’ male  national pageants in the country are Mr Ideal Nigeria, Mr Nigeria and the Model of Africa.
Mr Ideal Nigeria 2011, Ayotunde Ajiboye of Kwara State, Nigeria's delegate to Mr United Nations 2012 

Mr Ideal Nigeria, which google tags Nigeria’s most anticipated male pageant is geared towards not only finding a sexy man but also helping them start their own business hence it has been regarded as a business pageant since its inception in 2010 since its winners become CEOs of their own companies before their reign is over. The pageant selects Nigeria’s representative to Mister Earth, and Mr United Nations and is produced by Twitch & Stiles Events owned by Ayotunde Fabamwo.  The winner of this pageant receives major endorsements including cover model of Ultimate fitness magazine, Africa’s number 1 fitness magazine. The current winner of the pageant is Ayotunde Ajiboye.
Kenneth Nwadike of Imo , Model Of Africa 2011, Nigeria's delegate to Mister International 2011

 Model of Africa- Nigeria is another male pageant that received massive press attention at their maiden edition in 2011 and selects Nigeria’s representative to Mister International, a franchise formally owned by the Duke of Nigeria pageant which also started in 2007. The pageant is produced by Ovo ogufere of XA models and the current winner is Kenneth Nwadike

The Mr Tourism Nigeria is another addition to the male pageant industry, its the only path to the Mister Tourism Planet international pageant held in Greece every year.

Now, it isn’t the other male pageants that are looking for attention now but the Mr Nigeria , the oldest male pageant in the country. Kenneth Okoli , who is the reigning Mr Nigeria will take his final walk on the 29th of October at Silver bird Galleria, and now Nigeria is wondering who wil take over from him and represent Nigeria at the Mister World in the summer of 2012, who knows maybe this time , Mr Nigeria will take over from the current Mr World Ibrahim Kamal who is half Nigerian as well. Our selections of the 3 who are likely to clutch the crown include:
Oscar Okwachi , Mr Nigeria 2011?

Oscar Okwachi:  He stands at 6 ft and attends University of Calabar. He was 2nd runner- up at the Mr Ideal Nigeria 2011 and the reigning Mister Naijatrek. His personality and looks stand out. His Stamina , talent and charitable works which is what the judges will be looking out for makes him one of the favourites to win Mr Nigeria title.
Chris Obia .... Mr World Nigeria 2011?

Chris Obia: He has an infectious personality and he gets along well with other people. He won the Mr Macho Nysc contest and also appeared on a billboard avert for MTN. He has a passion to succeed and this hottie makes the list of our favourites.
Joseph , Mr Nigeria World 2011? 

Joseph Agossa: He was face of guiness in 2010 , and was a semi finalists at this year’s Gulder ultimate search. He has star quality and has what it take to represent Nigeria globally.

Let the best man win and let a new hottie be revealed.

he has got a good chance of winning 

dance rehearsals 

Joseph agossa slaming Oscar in arm wrestling 

a cutie in prada 

Chris Obia in arm wresting 

Lots of luv ,

Monday 24 October 2011


       I read about this before and felt really bad but just found the video on youtube and thought I should share. I feel so bad that something as terrible as this happened. How is it possible that a toddler is hit by a bus, ignored by passers-by, later on hit by a truck  and then ignored by several passers-by. GOSH!! 

"Footage is taken from a surveillance camera presented on local TV shows Yue Yue was walking in a hardware market in Foshan, Guangdong province, on Thursday, about 100 meters away from her home, when she was run over by a van at 5:26 pm.

The girl was then run over by a light-duty truck. The riders of four electric bicycles, a tricycle and three passers-by all chose to ignore her and no one at a shop close to the scene came to her aid.

Seven minutes after she was first hit by the van, a 57-year-old rag collector noticed the girl and moved her to the curb. The woman then tried talking to the shopkeeper but received no response. When she ran from shop to shop for the identity of the girl, the rag collector was told by a number of shopkeepers to mind her own business.

She then walked into the street and a few seconds later, the girl's mother appears and rushes away with the girl.

The girl received emergency surgery in Foshan before being transferred to the General Hospital of the Guangzhou Military Command of the People's Liberation Army in Guangzhou on the same day.

The incident is the latest example of passers-by acting indifferently to victims injured in crimes. In this case, some blamed the parents for letting the girl walk on the street alone. More criticized the phenomenon of people passing by without helping, caused at least in part by previous extortion attempts from the injured and their families who have sometimes tried to blame the person helping.

-------------- 16 / 10 / 2011 News Update --------------

Chinese authorities have supposedly have caught the first driver (the second is no worse in my opinion). "If she is dead, I may pay only about 20,000 yuan ($3,125). But if she is injured, it may cost me hundreds of thousands yuan," said the driver over the phone to the media, before he gave himself up to the police.

The girl has been pronounced "brain dead" by doctors and remains on life support in intensive care.

"She couldn't breathe on her own," said Wen Qiang, deputy director of the ICU department.

The most optimistic estimate is that the girl will remain in a vegetative state on life support.

-------------- 17 / 10 / 2011 News Update --------------

Police have detained both drivers.

-------------- 17 / 10 / 2011 News Update --------------

Unconfirmed reports that the toddler died on 16 / 10 / 2011:
"...doctors said the girl died yesterday from severe brain injuries she had suffered in the accident." " 

-copied from the info attached to the youtube video

its indeed a wicked world and according to the statement made by the driver, he is sure hoping she dies so he can be asked to pay less.
may her soul rest in perfect peace. 

much luv,
House of Twitch 
(article from Damilola Teidi)